- Neushoorn
- Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
- Join the Facebook event

The third edition of Into Darkness will certainly be a special one. Confirmed acts, amongst others, are suicidal black/dark metal pioneers Shining for a special, NL exclusive, 20-years-anniversary set, Norwegian svartmetall warriors Taake (Official), blackened doom masters The Ruins Of Beverastand English melodic blackmetal gentlemen Winterfylleth. Further line-up, see below!
Full line-up:
Shining (SWE)
Taake (NOR)
The Ruins of Beverast (GER)
Winterfylleth (UK)
Grave Miasma (UK)
Glorior Belli (FR)
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber (FR)
Monolithe (FR)
Nihill (NL)
Kjeld (NL)
Hemelbestormer (BEL)
Slegest (NOR)
Grey Aura (NL)